Dog Friendly Patios in Downtown Vancouver

With summer and nice weather here, we love taking our pets out and about with us. We can both get exercise and enjoy the mental and physical benefits of outdoor exercise.

When you’ve been out for the day it’s nice to be able to stop at a restaurant or cafe for drinks and/or food, maybe to meet with friends, family, or a date. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could bring your pet with you?

Why So Strict?


Many people complain about Vancouver’s strictness and lack of places that allow pets with you at the restaurant. Please note: The places we have listed below allow you to have your dog OUTSIDE with you on the patio. No restaurants (that we know of) allow dogs inside. It is a health code violation to have pets inside. Only some places allow them outside because technically this is still a health code violation but some restaurants bend the rules to allow the dogs outside in the open air…and the health inspectors either haven’t come around or turn a blind eye to this.

Don’t Leave Them Tied Up Outside

It can be hard to find dog-friendly places in Vancouver that will allow you to have your furry companion with you at the table. Most places will require you to tie them up outside of the restaurant/patio area and this is never a good idea. The animal feels left out/not included/abandoned and may get triggered by something. They are often bored, may get angry or reactive with people passing by, or they may whimper, whine, bark, or cry the entire time you are trying to enjoy your time.

Dog-Friendly Patio Etiquette

Not all dogs are good restaurant patrons. This may go without saying but please make sure your dog is very well behaved. They should not be reactive or bark at other people or dogs that are close by. They shouldn’t be trying to dig into the ground, chew or jump on furniture, begging people for food, climbing onto the table, peeing or pooing right by the table/on the patio, or other inappropriate things.

Come Prepared

Sometimes the servers will be nice and bring your dog a bowl of water but it’s best advised for you to bring a travel water bowl with you that you can fill up (servers usually are happy to fill up your bowl), bring them some treats to reinforce their good behaviour, and a chew toy (not one that squeaks or makes noise) to keep them occupied.

They are just like children and if you were bringing your child to a restaurant patio, you would want to make sure you had things available to occupy them so you can enjoy your time with whomever you are meeting.

The Dog-Friendly Patios

We’ve compiled a list of restaurant and cafe patios in Vancouver, BC that we know will let you have your dog with you at the table.




If you know of others please let us know!

We will be updating this list as we hear of more places allowing your dog with you at the table vs. tied up outside the patio/restaurant.

Is your dog not patio compatible?

That’s ok. Not all dogs are suited for each scenario. Let us stay with your dog so you can enjoy your day/evening soaking up the summertime patio fun.

Click the button below to schedule a FREE 30min Meet & Greet so we can get to know each other and see how we can take care of your pet so you can make the most of the summer weather.

Happy Patio Season!


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