Animal Reiki Therapy: Self-Care For Your Pet

What is Reiki?

Image from BeChewy

Image from BeChewy

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that has been around for thousands of years. The word Reiki means divinely guided life energy.  When we use Reiki as humans we are inviting this life energy into our being and our lives.  Soothing and relaxing, it can help us reduce stress on the mind and body, can help us let go of things that aren’t serving us, and heal from mental, emotional or physical problems.  

Using Reiki for animals works in a similar way.  Many pets have mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical problems they are dealing with too, and can benefit from relaxing energy filling their being and helping them heal from whatever is getting in their way of health and happiness.  

Animals are SO sensitive to energy and their response to Reiki energy is amazing.  I’ve noticed while conducting many human Reiki sessions the human’s pet will often join for the session because the energy is so calming and relaxing, so inviting and nurturing.  The same situation holds for an animal reiki session too.  

How Is Reiki For Animals Beneficial?

Just like how Reiki is a wonderful self-care tool for humans similar to meditation, mindfulness, counselling, exercising, etc., Reiki is also a lovely self-care tool for animals.  It is especially good for animals who are:

  • Recovering from surgery, an accident, or injury

  • Experiencing pain or a depleted immune system

  • Being introduced to and integrating into a new family or neighbourhood

  • Experiencing reactivity or behavioural concerns

  • Dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression

  • Traveling with their care-takers and in a new temporary space (like a hotel)

  • New in a rescue facility or shelter

  • Have just given birth.

Image from iStock/Getty

Image from iStock/Getty

Can Reiki Harm My Pet?

No. In a Reiki session we are specifically calling Reiki energy and sending it to the animal or inviting them into the energy space for them to feel/absorb its benefits. The animal always has the choice whether or not they would like to accept the energy. Reiki always respects you and your pet’s free will!

What does an Animal Reiki Session look like?


Sessions can be done in person or online over Zoom.  Similarly to how we can share energy in a conversation with another person over Zoom, we can also share/emit energy that the animal picks up on through this method. 

It can actually be much safer and much more affective to do Reiki with animals over Zoom in case the animal is triggered by unknown people in their space.  This can also be dangerous if the animal has reactivity challenges.

Conducting Reiki sessions over Zoom also allows us to help clients in any part of the world, not just in our immediate location.

Currently we are doing most of our Animal Reiki Sessions over Zoom, however we are still open to coming to you in-person if that is what you prefer.

How we conduct an online Animal Reiki Session:

  1. We start our reiki sessions by clearing the air of any energy that may have been there before. This allows the Reiki energy to flow into a clear space.

  2. We sit quietly and focus on bringing the energy in and creating a Reiki energy space. The animal can choose to enter the space or not. We look for visual cues, such as them getting closer to the camera or computer or them laying down and resting, to tell if they are accepting of the energy.

  3. We notice their breathing and body language. When they yawn or take a deep sigh that is indication that they are releasing stress or tension in their bodies that was there. This is a very good indication that they are feeling and accepting of the Reiki and responding to it positively.

  4. We sit with the energy flowing into the space until we notice the animal is finished or we feel the reiki is not flowing as strongly anymore. The animal will show they are finished if they get up, start doing something else, or suddenly walk out of the room.

  5. We conclude the session by thanking Reiki and the animal for allowing us to share Reiki with them today.

Animal Reiki = Pet Self-Care

Getting to relax on a regular basis (like weekly) has incredible affects on our health and wellbeing.  The same goes for animals too.  Wouldn’t it be lovely to give your pet a regular appointment specifically geared towards helping them relax, heal, and release anything that is not serving them?

Feel free to contact us for a free 30 min consultation to talk about how Animal Reiki can help your pet.


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